
In:Mother's health, Pregnancy

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The most powerful creation in the world is a life growing inside you. Motherhood is undoubtedly the most beautiful period in any woman’s life. Nine months of emotional, physical and the mental roller coaster ride is the time of your life that you can never forget, whether you’re conceiving the first time or second. As overwhelming it can get for you, there are more than a gazillion factors you have to take into account. A woman becomes a mother the day her baby is born. Being pregnant is one the most amazing experience and feeling for any woman. Embrace, celebrate and love this phase of your life as much as you can, for it is followed by another alluring chapter of being a mother and a parent for a life created by you.

It is a matter of immense happiness and joy accompanied with a lot of responsibilities to grow a child inside you. Therefore, primitively ensure that you and your body are prepared in all aspects, so that you do not consider second options later. To simplify your thought process on the former, we provide you with some tips that you must take into consideration before trying to get pregnant.

  • Get a health checkup from a well recognized obstetrician/ gynecologist-

Although some believe that you should consult a doctor after you know that you’re conceived, but we recommend that you get a thorough health check up with your doctor, as it will make your endeavor to plan your child very easy. And if there are any issues or complications that you’re not aware of, you can get treated in advance.

  • Amend your lifestyle – Eat healthy, Stay healthy-

Induce a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, protein loaded products and milk and milk products. Ensure a balanced diet and do not skip meals, esp. breakfast. Be physically active, on a regular basis. Go for a brisk walk in the morning as it will keep your heart and lungs healthy, as these organs have to perform extra work during pregnancy.

  • If required, gain/ lose weight-

If you’re overweight or obese, you might suffer from a lot of complications during and after the pregnancy. Researches show that overweight women are at the highest risk of infertility. Ergo, with the help of your doctor, follow a healthy weight loss regime and avoid dieting. If you’re underweight, you might have problems in conceiving too, so try to increase your weight to a healthy scale.

  • Quit bad habits-

If you’re a chain smoker or enjoy a puff or two at times, stop doing it as the chance of having a premature baby increases. Also, ask your spouse or partner to quit smoking as the tobacco is the prime reason for low mortality and less sperm count. Passive smoking also affects infertility. Avoid drinking alcohol too.

  • After planning, stop using birth – control-

Once you and your partner make the decision of planning a child, stop using all birth control measures. Most doctors insist on getting pregnant after your monthly menstruation, as then you can decide the birth date of your child. Also, the chances of conceiving elevates after deserting birth controls.

  • Do not take any medications without the consultation of your doctor-

Do not take any medicine without your doctor’s recommendation. Also, don’t purchase any herbal products from the market which claim to be 100 per cent natural, as it can be harmful for your baby.

  • Intake nutrients and acquire a good diet-

It is very important that in pregnancy, you ensure adequate diet and growth of the fetus. As in the earlier stages of pregnancy, you are bound to witness nausea; there will be loss of nutrients from the body. Therefore, stack your kitchen in advance with healthy, nutritious products. Folic acid prevents your child from a neural tube defect, so start consuming them beforehand. If you suffer from ailments like diabetes or epilepsy or any such similar ones, refer your doctor in this regard and start medication. Induce green vegetables and citrus fruits as they protect you and your baby from anemia and deficiency of vitamin C.

  • Learn and diagnose about your family’s medical history-

Visit your doctor and check for any chronic ailments like heart diseases, elevated or low blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Even if you suffer from any, do not panic and take consultations from your doctor to control them. Expect AIDS, also get tested for syphilis, gonorrhea and other STD’s. Some ailments are genetic, and if you learn about them on time, with the help of your doctor, you can save your child from it.

  • When to have sex

Keep in mind, that 5 – 7 days in a month only, the sperm gets attached to egg after sex. So, if have a menstrual cycle of 28 days, so commonly days between 10th to 17th day are important. According to the doctor, have sex twice or thrice a week.

  • Keep in touch with your doctor

If you’re not able to conceive after six months, ask yourself the following questions:

Are your periods are irregular? Are you more than 35 years of age? Have you suffered a miscarriage or had an abortion in the past? Have you had any gynecological related issues? If you answer yes to any of the questions asked above. Do not hesitate and visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Once, you are conceived, you have to make sure that both you and your baby are keeping good health and shape. Following are some tips for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy period to you.

  • The complete health of your child is dependent on the health of his mother and father. In this stage, whatever diet is consumed by the mother, it is beneficial in the growth of the baby. Incorporate vitamin C, fibers, folic acid and iron in your diet. Consumption of excess oil and fat will result into a cute and healthy baby – is a myth. Therefore, only consume foods which are rich in nutrients like milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and will result in the growth of a healthy child.
  • Do not consume any medicine that you wish to. If you are consuming them from a long time in the past, stop the use before as you conceive so that your body is in a completely normal and natural state.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol can prove to be very dangerous for you and your baby, particularly when you are pregnant. Discourage its usage in your spouse too. Women who smoke, increase the risk of giving birth to a light weighted or a premature baby. Smoking also elevates the chances of miscarriage, death of the child in the womb, or infertility.
  • If you work in a chemical institute or a laboratory or a place with X – ray machines, whose radiations or smoke can both passively and actively affect you and your baby, Take leave from work and avoid going there as it can be harmful and toxic. Especially stay away from X – ray machines as the rays emitted from them can be fatal.
  • It is a common myth that computers and laptops have bad effects on your child. So if you need to work with your gadgets, feel free to do so, but make sure that you do not do it for long continuous hours as it can strain your eyes, neck and back. Take gaps in between and make sure that your seating area is comfortable enough to support your back. Place cushions, if required.
  • During your pregnancy period, take full consideration of your weight and exercises. Keep on visiting your doctor at regular intervals. Check your weight from time to time.
  • At times, during pregnancy you will witness a distinct glow in your face. But sometimes, you might find dryness, oiliness, or sticky skin. In such cases, avoid using washes with harsh chemicals. Use a mild face wash or a body wash. Also, keep on moisturizing your skin with good products from time to time. If you find darkness or acne in your skin, do not get worried, as these are the common reactions faced during pregnancy. After the birth of your baby, these spots will automatically disappear.
  • Do not go for crash diet or skip any part of your meal. This way, not only you deprive yourself of proper food, but the baby is deficient of adequate nutrients. Make sure that you incorporate regular morning walks or light exercises in your routine.
  • This is the only time when your child is completely dependent on you. Therefore, diet is the most significant aspect you should take into consideration. Induce food items rich in carbohydrates and products that are easily digestible. Avoid fatty foods. As you will feel hungry a lot during your pregnancy, do not eat your meals in large proportions, as it can lead to constipation. Take small meals at regular intervals of time. During the first trimester, consume more liquid based products in your diet and avoid fatty foods as much as you can. Avoid papaya and raw eggs.
  • For the proper growth and development of teeth and bones, calcium is very important. Increase the amount of calcium twice as you used to, or prescribed by a doctor.  From the second trimester, you can distribute dosage of 1g into two parts. Milk and milk products like cheese, yoghurt, cottage cheese. Banana is a great substitute too. If you do not like milk much or are lactose intolerant, have grains, pumpkin, soup, or custard apples.
  • During this time, hair and nails grow at a very faster pace than normal. And soon after the delivery, excess hair loss is witnessed. Use good natural products and ensure proper oiling and washing of the hair.
  • For the safety of your child’s health, conduct all blood tests recommended by the doctor, esp. HIV test.
  • Change in the size and shape of breasts in the first trimester is the primitive sign of pregnancy. Breasts, esp. the nipple can be tender and sensitive. Use comfortable bras with providing good support.
  • Some women prefer excess salt in their foods, but during pregnancy, avoid the excess amount of salt. This will result in swollen hands and feet, high blood pressure. If you are diagnosed with low blood pressure, only then increase the intake of salt in your diet.
  • Ensure proper care of your dental hygiene, i.e. teeth and gums. During pregnancy, most of the women complain issues related to gums and teeth. The complete nutritious diet helps provide calcium to your body and your child. Get an appointment to your dentist and share if you face any irregular problem. Do not forget to mention that you are pregnant to your dentist, as then you will not have an access to X-ray machine, or even anesthesia.
  • Yoga is an excellent remedy to curb your back related problems, and also relieves stress or any mental pain. This helps both the child and the mother. But make sure you ask your doctor before practicing yoga asanas as not all asanas are recommended for pregnant women. Studies have proven that regular practice of yoga asanas has resulted in less labor pain. You might face difficulties in the later trimesters as your body rounds up, but do not discontinue practice, and only do asanas till the position you’re comfortable in. If you experience any sort of difficulty or discomfort, immediately stop and seek medical advice. Nowadays, many institutions offer pre – natal yoga.
  • You might find the urge to urinate frequently, esp. during the first trimester, but do not stop in taking.
  • Stay away from strong odors, like perfumes, phenyl, talcum, and pesticides. These can be very harmful for the child. Avoid contact with skin or even inhaling them.
  • Always stay in ventilated rooms. Keep hydrated and drink lots of fluids. Think positive and keep a positive approach towards life.

Being pregnant is definitely one of the best feelings in the world and enjoying it would make your life better. So get ready for this beautiful experience. We are sure that you would be a great mother and would also enjoy your motherhood. Take care!

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